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Rural Development  
Rural Development at the Naogaon District
Entwicklungshilfe Bangladesch
Monoculture rice deteriorates the soil.
As an alternative to an unbalanced rice diet, the ASSB offers workshops on growing vegetables, breeding animals and fish and on aforrestation.
Trainings on how to start small business regularly attract a high number of participants.
It's a matter of discovering individual opportunities and abilities, and of learning how to develop markets for several products, and how to fund and bill projects. These offers enable group members to become more independent from short term and seasonal incomes as day laborers.
Entwicklungshilfe Bangladesch
Day Laborer Harvesting Potatoes
Gardening and Cultivation
The ASSB's agricultural advisers teach new and improved cultivation methods for vegetable and corn. They share their knowledge in cases of slow or weak growth. It is marvelous to see the newly developed vegetable gardens.
Entwicklungshilfe Bangladesch
Im Kürbisbeet
Women improve the diets of their own families and share the new experiences. When they sell their vegetables, they receive an extra income.
More and more melon, wheat and corn fields can be found between the monocultures of paddy.
Entwicklungshilfe Bangladesch
Young woman threshing grains.
Breeding, raising & farming of animals, fish and poultry
Fish is a highly demanded product in Bangladesh and offers a good income. With knowledge transfer and financial support of ASSB, some members of the group have started a fish farm after the ponds were properly cleaned. Small stocking fish was set in and was fed with rice husks. After 6 months the adult fish can be sold with good profits.
Entwicklungshilfe Bangladesch
Succes on the fish farm
Poultry is also in great demand. The ASSB provides the families with improved poultry races for them to continue the breed. The profits from eggs, meat and breeding animals enable people to pay back the initial credits. Depending on the means, the money is invested into goats, a cow or even a private piece of land.
Entwicklungshilfe Bangladesch
After school, the goats are lead to grazing lands.
A growing problem in the north of Bangladesh is the excessive wood cutting for fire wood, for baking of bricks, and for obtaining new cultivation areas. That's why the ASSB encourages and supports the planting of new trees which will provide fruit fire wood or construction timber. In addition to other activities, the ASSB donates two small trees to any of their pupils on the day of the trees.
Entwicklungshilfe Bangladesch
Day of the trees
Each member of the women activists receives 2 fruit and 2 timber trees in a year as a donation. Thus, the ASSB hopes to inspire and develop an ecological awareness in children and parents.

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